High School Band 56A Clinician

Eric Stambaugh
Eric Stambaugh, Director of Hutchinson Community College Bands, is in his 25th year of teaching and 3rd year directing at Hutchinson CC. His job duties include Symphonic Band, Pep Band, Music Appreciation, and Music Theory. Prior to his appointment at the college, Eric was director of Bands at Buhler High School for 18 years. Under his direction, his bands were selected twice for the KMEA state convention and his marching bands won numerous marching band championships at the University of Kansas, KBA, Shawnee Mission, and the University of Central Missouri. Eric is a graduate of Kansas State University where he received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Music Education and Wind Conducting. Eric has won the KBA Outstanding Young Band Director Award, SCKMEA Outstanding Director, and was Semifinalist for Kansas Teacher of the Year. His professional memberships include Kansas Bandmasters Association, Kansas Music Educators Association, and NAfME.