Membership Requirement
For a student to participate in KMEA honor groups the sponsoring teacher must be an active member of the Kansas Music Educators Association.

High School Band


1234A - Emily Rossin, University of Kansas
56A - Eric Stambaugh, Hutchinson Community College

Important Dates
Oct. 8 - Audition Registration Deadline - $10 per audition
Oct. 20 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #1 - $35 per audition
Nov. 8 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #2 - $60 per audition
Nov. 9 - Audition Registration - Late Deadline #3 - $100 per audition
Nov. 9 - Auditions @ Goddard HS
Dec. 7 - Clinics & Concerts @ Maize HS - $15 participation fee per selected student

Audition Registration
Auditions must be registered in the KMEA Members site.

Use the SCKMEA Invoice Generator to create your fee invoices. An invoice print-out must be included with each payment. Make checks payable to South Central KMEA.

Audition Excerpts
SCKMEA HS Band Audition Excerpts will be taken from the KMEA All-State material.

Audition Process
Auditions will happen in two sessions: a morning session and an afternoon session. Rather than being assigned a specific time, students will be assigned a session. Students will be required to check-in for their assigned session during a specific registration time, then proceed to their audition room. Students that do not check in during the registration time for their session will be considered a cancellation. After registration, audition rooms will be a "first-come, first-serve" for auditions.

Audition Time Requests
To the extent the schedule allows, accommodations can be made for students who need special consideration for their scheduled audition time. Directors must note all such requests when entering students online. Personal preferences for directors or students cannot be accommodated and should not be entered.

Director Participation in the Audition Process
Directors are responsible for relaying audition time and location information to their students. Directors must arrive no later than (8:00 AM) the day of the auditions. A judge meeting will be held at 8:15 AM to discuss the audition process, any further reductions being made to the audition materials and to ensure the auditions start on time. Directors with students participating in the Middle Level Honor Band will be able to drop their students off prior to the judge meeting.
Note - Directors with students participating in the Middle School Honor Band as well as HS Honor Ensemble auditions are NOT excused from participating in judging.

Judging Policy Change Update
In the summer prior to the 2021-22 school year, the SCKMEA Board approved a policy change which requires any school that registers students for a HS Wind/Percussion entry to provide 1 judge per 15 student registrations. Any school that registers more than 15 band entries is required to send at least one (1) qualified judge and one (1) additional adult to assist with audition day (to serve as a monitor or runner) for every 15 entries. All judges/helpers must be present for the entire day of the event if they registered students. Directors agree to participate in judging when they register students, regardless if their student cancels after they have been registered into the KMEA system. SCKMEA will excuse directors from judging without penalty only if they are directly involved in the operations of SCKMEA events (Board members, area chairs and assistants) on the day of auditions. Directors that do not secure a replacement judge or adult helper and refuse to participate in judging will be assessed a $100 non-participation penalty fee per judge/helper to be paid with their entry fees.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call me. I will respond as soon as possible. Best wishes to you and your students!

SCKMEA Fee Policy
At the January 30, 2016 board meeting, the SCKMEA Executive Board voted to approve the following policy. Late entries for SCKMEA auditions for District Jazz Band, Band, and Orchestra will be assessed a $25 late fee for each entry.

All audition fees and participation fees for all SCKMEA honor groups (Elementary Choir, MS Band and Choir, HS Jazz Band, Band, Orchestra, Choir) must be paid by the day of the event. If fees are not paid on-time, the audition and participation fees will be doubled.

All audition, participation, and late fees must be paid by March 1. If fees remain unpaid after March 1, students from that school's program (band, choir, jazz or orchestra) will not be eligible to participate in SCKMEA District events the following school year.
Travis Keller
Mulvane HS
1900 N. Rock Rd
Mulvane, KS 67110
w: 316-777-1183
Important Dates - HS Band
Aug. 24, 2024 - Sat
SCKMEA Teacher Kick-off
Augusta HS, 10:00 AM
Oct. 8, 2024 - Tue
Audition Registration Deadline — HS Band, HS Orchestra
$10 per audition
Oct. 20, 2024 - Sun
Audition Registration - Late Deadline #1 — HS Band, HS Choir, HS Orchestra
$35 per audition
Oct. 26, 2024 - Sat
Send to SCKMEA Executive Director Bryan Kirk
Nov. 8, 2024 - Fri
Audition Registration - Late Deadline #2 — HS Band, HS Choir, HS Orchestra
$60 per audition
Nov. 9, 2024 - Sat
Audition Registration - Late Deadline #3 — HS Band, HS Choir, HS Orchestra
$100 per audition
Nov. 9, 2024 - Sat
District Auditions — HS Band, HS Choir, HS Orchestra
Goddard HS, 2500 S 199th St W
Dec. 7, 2024 - Sat
Clinics & Concerts — HS Band, HS Choir, HS Orchestra
Band & Orchestra - Maize HS
Choir - Maize South HS
$15 participation fee per selected student

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